Your headhunter for Content Marketing Manager Positions

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Alexander Bürkle
APCOA Parking
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The recruitment consultancy for the digital economy and team building

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  • Our recruiting teams fill positions in areas in which they have expertise and are part of the industry/community
  • 86% of the candidates presented are invited to an interview
  • Ø 2.7 candidates until the position is successfully filled
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  • Multi-channel: We also find "hidden candidates" through our complete, cross-channel screening of the entire market
  • We know the key trends and utilise and develop the best tools and processes
  • First interviews within 30 days
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Successful staffing after 76 days on average

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  • We are service-orientated and take the work out of recruiting so that you can concentrate on your core business
  • We are flexible, understand your expectations and realise them in such a way that we achieve success together
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Detailed assessment after multi-stage assessment

Content Marketing Managers - the guardians of your target group

Content marketing managers are responsible for developing and implementing a company's content marketing strategy. This includes creating and curating content, managing the content calendar and working with other members of the marketing team to ensure that all content is on-brand and aligned with the company's overall goals. You will oversee all marketing content, from conception to publication. You will also work with a team of writers, editors and designers to create engaging and relevant content that helps achieve the company's marketing and business objectives.

Your role is an important part of the marketing team. Successful candidates will have a deep understanding of content marketing strategy and know how to create and execute campaigns that drive desired results. They must have strong editorial skills and experience in developing and implementing content marketing plans. In addition, an excellent content marketer should have a solid foundation in SEO and social media marketing, as these are both important channels to get your content noticed.‍

Foxio Consulting specializes in the recruitment of digital experts. Our recruiters fill positions in areas in which they have expertise and are part of the industry or community. Thanks to an active network of more than 600,000 contacts, successful placements are made on average after 76 days.‍

What challenges do content marketing managers face?

Content marketing managers face several challenges in their work: They need to create high-quality content that appeals to their target audience, manage a team of writers and stay up to date with the latest trends in marketing. They also need to keep an eye on the performance of their content and make adjustments when necessary to ensure that the content reaches the desired target audience.
Another challenge that content marketing managers can face is the budget available to them. Often, content marketing budgets are tight, which can make it difficult to produce the high-quality content necessary to appeal to the target audience. They also need to be careful not to spend too much money on their content marketing, as this could lead to cuts in other areas of the marketing budget.

What are the future trends that a content marketing manager needs to know about?

1) Social media platforms are constantly evolving and changing. Therefore, it is important for a content marketing manager to stay up to date with the latest trends and changes in order to develop effective content strategies.

2. video content is becoming increasingly popular. Therefore, it is important that content marketing managers are familiar with creating and formatting videos for online distribution.

3. the use of mobile devices continues to increase. Therefore, it is important to create content that is optimized for mobile devices.

4. artificial intelligence and machine learning are becoming more and more prevalent. Therefore, it is important for a content marketing manager to know these technologies and how they can be used in content marketing strategies.

5. personalization and targeted content are becoming increasingly important as consumers become more savvy and demanding. Content marketers need to know about these technologies and how to create content that is personalized and targeted to specific audiences.

Headhunter Content Marketing Manager

Are you ready to deliver the content of the future? Foxio Consulting helps you find top talent in content marketing so you can keep pace with current and future developments.

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